
jQuery由美國人John Resig創建,至今已吸引了來自世界各地的眾多javascript高手加入其team.
是繼prototype之后又一個優秀的Javascr pt框架。其經典的Slogan是“Write Less, Do more”(寫的更少,做的更多)。jQuery是輕量級的js庫(壓縮后只有21k) ,這是其它的js庫所不及的,它兼容CSS3,還兼容各種瀏覽器 (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。
jQuery是一個快速的,簡潔的javaScript庫,使用戶能更方便地處理HTML documents、events、實現動畫效果,並且方便地為網站提供AJAX交互。jQuery還有一個比較大的優勢是,它的文檔說明很全,而且各種應用也說得很詳細,同時還有許多成熟的插件可供選擇。jQuery能夠使用戶的html頁保持代碼和html內容分離,也就是說,不用再在html裡面插入一堆js來調用命令了,只需定義id即可。

全世界的JS高手都在為jQuery開發著各種jQuery插件, 在帕蘭映像之前的文章裡面, 也介紹過很多關於JQeury插件的文章:

另位在本站有關設計開發的幾篇熱門搜索文章裡面, 也總能看到jQuery的蹤影.

這兩天又看到一篇收集jQuery插件的文章, 出自kollermedia, 收集了200多個jQuery插件. 雖然是比較早期的文章, 但對設計開發人員來說還是非常有用的.


Ajax File Upload.
Multiple File Upload plugin.

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Basic Calendar

Visit Basic Calendar

If you need a simple, elegant calendar to display the current days of the month, the current date is highlighted within the Calendar. Basic Calendar is an excellent script for the purpose. Uses CSS to allow easy changing to its appearance, everything from calendar dimensions, colors, down to the font used to highlight the current day. Easily expand script to display multiple months, either all at once or otherwise. You can create simple functions to display the calendar dynamically, such as on demand using a drop down menu.

  • Cost: Free


Visit CodeThatCalendar

CodeThatCalendar enables you to easily add the date/time picker to your form or page. Both popup and inline calendars are supported. Features include support for current date and week highlighting, localization, CSS support; Ability to setup start year, date; Configurable scrolling feature; Support for various date formats; Ability to configure the Calendar through the CSS styles; Inline calendar support; Unlimited number of the calendar controls on the same form/page; All titles can be configured so localization of the calendar is easy.

  • Cost: Freeware
  • Version: 1.01
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux

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